Our Solutions
Cynterra is a next generation cybersecurity and data analyses service. Our solutions leverage group intelligence over all deployments, analysing data everywhere to keep each of our clients more responsive, and more secure.

Secure Internet Gateway (SIG)

Secure Cloud Gateway

Secure API Gateway

Secure O365 Gateway
Solutions Built on Excellence
Our patented technology is based on an innovative and adaptive technology stack we’ve developed over years of research and development.
Each of our commercial Solutions is built upon this technology, and meets the stringent requirements of Australian Government Departments. And we are now supported by the Digital Transformation Agency.

iRAP Certified
Secure Internet Gateway (SIG)
Primary Use Case: A fully redundant internet connectivity.
The Cynterra SIG is a highly redundant, Highly Available gateway that provides secure access to the internet for end user, and application services. Multiple instances and multiple sizes of the SIG can be deployed to suit any geographical, network throughput, network separation, or architectural requirements.
All Cynterra gateways log to a organisations specific repository allowing centralised automated reporting, with our analytical engines enriching the data for presentation on our user-friendly secure Dashboards. Search capabilities further enhance our reporting and analytical engines analytical allowing users to view in detail all activity for the previous 30 days, with additional days available upon request.
Secure AWS Gateway
Primary Use Case: A secure connection to the public cloud, within the public cloud, and between vendors public clouds.
The Cynterra Cloud Gateway is located within the public cloud and has been built to monitor and enforce policy to the public cloud, within the public cloud, and between the public clouds. The Cynterra Cloud Gateway enforces a organisations security policies. . Multiple instances of the Cynterra Cloud Gateway can be deployed to suit any geographical, network throughput, network separation, or architectural requirements.
All Cynterra Cloud Gateways log to a organisations specific repository allowing centralised automated reporting, with our analytical engines enriching the data for presentation on our user-friendly secure Kabana Dashboards. Elastic search capabilities further enhance our reporting capabilities with log data searchable across the entire organisations dataset for the duration of the contract.
Secure API Gateway
Primary Use Case: A optimised gateway that has been designed to service high speed transactional application data.
New applications require a gateway that has been optimised for its specific data requirements whilst maintaining their security obligations. The Cynterra API gateway has been designed with this requirement in mind. Multiple instances of the API can be deployed to suit any geographical, application, or architectural requirements.
All Cynterra API Gateways log to a organisations specific repository allowing centralised automated reporting, with our analytical engines enriching the data for presentation on our user-friendly secure Kabana Dashboards. Elastic search capabilities further enhance our reporting capabilities with log data searchable across the entire organisation’s dataset for the duration of the contract.
Office365 Gateway
Primary Use Case: Secure transfer and filtering of an organisation’s corporate email.
The Cynterra O365 Security Appliance monitors a Customers files and messages to identify malicious content, including spam, malware, and phishing attempts. Policies can be recommended by Cynterra and/or defined by the Customer. Elastic search capabilities further enhance our reporting capabilities with log data searchable across the entire organisation’s dataset for the duration of the contract.
The Cynterra O365 Gateway logs all information to a organisations specific repository allowing centralised automated reporting, with our analytical engine enriching the data for presentation through our user-friendly and secure Kabana Dashboards. Elastic search capabilities further enhance our reporting capabilities with log data searchable across the entire organisation’s dataset.